Public Death Counter

  1. 8 years ago

    I'd like to suggest that an admin simply use the commands:

    /scoreboard objectives add Deaths deathCount Deaths
    /scoreboard objectives setDisplay list Deaths

    It'd be nice to see how many times others have died.

    Thank you for reading,

    A Lymbian

  2. This already exists. Type "stats?" or "deaths?"

  3. I think he means one player can look at another player's deaths, without the other player typing in serverplz deaths.

  4. No CraftyMynes is focusing too much on pvp and stats, it should be a more relaxed experience without needing to worry about who has the best stats. If you want to pvp then just go on a dedicated pvp server.

  5. Edited 8 years ago by r4iscool1

    If someone doesn't want there deaths shown then that's up to them as far as I would be concerned. I mean why do you really want to know ?
    You can always count the top deaths, manually with ease.

  6. @_Haxington_ No CraftyMynes is focusing too much on pvp and stats, it should be a more relaxed experience without needing to worry about who has the best stats. If you want to pvp then just go on a dedicated pvp server.

    I'm not into PVP, and really dont care for it myself.
    However there are many people on the server who do care, and to ignore that part of the community entirely wouldn't be beneficial.

    Also Stats don't need to be about who has the best. Many people like to see what their personal stats are and compare them to friends. It's only a competition if you make it into one, really.

  7. @_Haxington_ No CraftyMynes is focusing too much on pvp and stats, it should be a more relaxed experience without needing to worry about who has the best stats. If you want to pvp then just go on a dedicated pvp server.

    This is exactly the stance I took from the beginning of the ServerPlz/ServerAI system. Player's can only trigger their own stats if they so please. While it might be cool to add Kills and Deaths to a website, I don't think I am going to add it to the game. (way too spammy with everyone looking up everyones deaths)

    - Crafty

  8. I concur, the stats are rather moot. There are other reasons and ways to play the game.

  9. who even cares? its not like there's a punishment for dying too much

  10. Only if you are in the funbox.

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