1. 8 years ago

    do the ticks you had before the update count towards the 10 million? because i had roughly that many and still want to be a helper

  2. Yes they do.

  3. They do, it's best to either include a screen shot of the ticks or at least say something like

    Ticks: 10,000,000 (7,500,000 from 1.8 + 2,500,000 from 1.11 )

  4. Edited 8 years ago by thegoldsmith

    the only record of my past ticks is on my previous staff applications that ok for me to use? @CraftyMyner

  5. @thegoldsmith the only record of my past ticks is on my previous staff applications that ok for me to use? @CraftyMyner


  6. ok straight to the staff application thread

  7. @CraftyMyner i made a staff application i got the ticks from 1.9 from my previous staff application

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