The Monsterslayer17 apoligy

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Monsterslayer17

    Title of the thread: I don't know how this works but this is a ban appeal Monsterslayer17

    In Game Name: Monsterslayer17

    Reason for your ban: Disobeying/disrespecting

    Why should you be unbanned: Before I start I don't blame any of the staff members for doing their job. So I was trying to be funny (spoiler alert I'm not). In my opinion I don't think what I said was offensive but other people can. I'm very sorry to everyone who got offended and took it seriously. You don't have to unban me. Even if you don't you at least know I'm sorry. I will never do that again.
    From your one and only Monsterslayer17 ( Get it because only one person can one username hilarious)
    P.S Keep up the good work. I actually like your server, and one day I'll apply for moderator.
    Thank you it's not letting me reply

  2. Howdy next time please abide by the rules and take warnings given by staff more seriously.

    You will be pardoned in 24 hours or once we get time, check back in tomorrow if you havent been unbanned yet.

  3. You have been pardoned , please follow the rules more carefully and staffs instructions more seriously ,thanks .

    welcome back !

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