Yoda_I_Am Ban Appeals

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Yoda_I_Am

    Yoda_I_Am Ban Appeal

    In Game Name: Yoda_I_Am

    Reason for your ban: Chat violatons

    Why i should be unbanned:

    Hello guys, today i got banned from the server.

    I would be really happy if you revesed my profile. I said some stupid things, and i promice i wont do it again, i just want to play with my friends, on this wonderfull server! :DD

  2. Deleted 8 years ago by GibsonAxe
  3. Hello i was the moderator who banned you after multiple warnings and kicks ,we do not allow the use of all caps and controversial or sexual topics , please refrain in the future from doing/posting in main chat things of that nature .
    you will be pardoned in 24 hours , after which please try and follow the rules and staffs instruction more carefully .

    Review the rules here

  4. you have been pardoned welcome back , remember to please follow the rules

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