Some sort of word filter for the forums.

  1. 8 years ago

    It would seem to be a good idea to filter out words you can't say in pubchat to be filtered out of the forums too because right now the only defense you guys have is the moderators, which might not be enough sometimes. I don't know if you can implement this though..

  2. Not worth the effort.
    Staff are perfectly capable of modding the forums however we tend to be a bit more lax here.

  3. Word filters are one of the hardest things to do on a forum, players will always find a way around it.

    #1. Make a list of all banned words.

    Example: "assume" contains "ass"

    #2. Check words as a whole.

    Example: "A55" is easy but might not be found.

    #3. Use some external API.

    This gets tricky quick, I would need to figure out the API, then fully trust it with the content that I give it.

    Best Option:

    Unlike spam and caps, language violations are very hard for a computer to make decisions on, they don't speak english. The best thing is to leave it up to the staff whole have been speaking english for many years and have the mind to quickly look at a giant block of text and know within seconds whether it breaks any rules.

    - Crafty

  4. I would rather have manual enforcement for forbidden words, given the chat filters I've experienced elsewhere. For example on a certain game the word "lag" is banned, so every time I try to say "villager" it get's censored, on another at the end of the game it won't let me say gg because it's too similar to my previous message (saying gg 5 minutes prior).

    There are some things that seem more straightforward:

    1. Filter all caps.
    2. Filter URLs and IP addresses.
    3. Filter repeat messages. (we already have this?)
  5. We already had a lot of spam prevention on signing up, Usernames, Emails, IP's and User Agents are all checked against an API as well as our own database of banned credentials. I haven't really seen a huge issue with the spam protection that you are saying though.

  6. @CraftyMyner We already had a lot of spam prevention on signing up, Usernames, Emails, IP's and User Agents are all checked against an API as well as our own database of banned credentials. I haven't really seen a huge issue with the spam protection that you are saying though.

    Oh my bad, I meant on the server. I now see that it clearly says "on the forums" in the title.

  7. Yeah, we have:

    Repeat words and phrases based on exact match, close match, and Levenshtein distance.
    Sending too fast.
    too many caps.

    I was going to make it catch links, and also combine the scores of caps, spam, and too many messages, so like an all caps message said really fast more then once would be an instant kick. But, as you probably know, I don't have a lot of time right now, and the spam filter gets like 99% of the easy to catch spammers, so I'm going to wait till I make CMPanel v2 before I do anything about it.

  8. Edited 8 years ago by CraftyMyner

    @CraftyMyner Yeah, we have:

    Repeat words and phrases based on exact match, close match, and Levenshtein distance.
    Sending too fast.
    too many caps.

    I was going to make it catch links, and also combine the scores of caps, spam, and too many messages, so like an all caps message said really fast more then once would be an instant kick. But, as you probably know, I don't have a lot of time right now, and the spam filter gets like 99% of the easy to catch spammers, so I'm going to wait till I make CMPanel v2 before I do anything about it.

    New spam filter does basically everything I said in post above ^

    Too fast
    Handle spam filter evasion techniques
    Combine different types of spam to kick faster (Spamming bad words in all caps will be combined into one score)

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