Harvestar Building guild

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 5 years ago by BoneChi11er

    S O O N


    Who we are
    We are a league of builders, united together for the love of building. We strive towards making anything, from dirt huts to statues of your self, it doesn't matter. You have the freedom to express yourself here, without the fear of being griefed!

    We are a pretty reasonable distance away from spawn, so the thought of being raided or griefed no longer has a place in your head. We here think of our work like that school project you've been working on for months, your tired of doing it but still don't want it harmed because of all the effort you put in it. We respect that and work on keeping our location safe and secure.

    A peaceful faction?
    Yes! We are. We are not driven by war, pvp, and raiding/griefing. We like to keep a cool head amongst ourselves and spend our time and recourses towards houses or grinders. That doesnt mean we wont fight back though!

    Now for the guidelines.
    The rules that should be followed when in the Guild itself, luckily though its not much ;) ...

    No griefing/raiding is allowed... or tolerated
    Enough said. This should be apparent and obvious though in a building guild. No one likes it when there building is reduced to a smouldering crater.
    Dont build anything inappropriate
    This isn't just our rule, its the server's rule. Not only are you being rude to other residents in Harvestar, you will also probably be banned :P
    Be respectful and peaceful to other players
    Not just residents, but players in general. When your in Harvestar, you represent it. So going around bad mouthing other players and just being a dick is not going to send a good message about the Guild. We don't need you to be positive all day every day 24/7, we just want to avoid wars with other players.
    Post here, or ask me or Cileklim, about entering Harvestar
    We worked hard on maintaing trust amongst each other, and we are not going to let some kid with "explosive tendincies" just join up and ruin it. Let us know if your interested in joining down below.

    And that about covers the 4 guidelines we have. Not much see? So if your pvp driven with a lust for blowing buildings and players up alike, this isn't the faction for you. But if you want to build what you want without the constant worry of your project going up in flames, give us a call.
    This is BoneChi11er signing off! :)

  2. Side note: If your on, when we aren't but still wanna join, leave a post on what times you'll be on, and I'll see about getting on around your time.

  3. My Timezone is GMT +2 and I'm online after 4:00 p.m. and I will be recruiting new players when online.

  4. This looks incredible! I admire what you're doing. If you need any supplys Red Army is happy to help!

  5. @sovietsuperman Tnt is always appreciated, that hill I'm trying to nuke is really bugging me :P. And thanks. let us know if you need help with building.

  6. Not sure about moving over there, but i'll definitely be willing to be a friend to Harvestar. If yall ever need building advice, just ask me. Always love seeing the server's builds!

  7. @Venetorem Noted, thanks.

  8. I also admire your handiwork and message! Consider me an ally, if not potential future member of Harvestar.

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