argonFiles' leaving announcement

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by argonFiles

    argonFiles leaves CraftyMynes today, but i'm still going to be semi-active on the forums because i don't actually have a life

    i've got things to do and places to see and craftymynes got so BORING that i couldn't stay. my personal life outside of the computer has not been going well and playing here hasn't really been helping at all.


    Return date not specified, it might be permanent. I don't really know for certain.
    so long and thanks for all the goodtimes/fish/banter/morons/hackers/cody/factioneering


  2. "So long and thanks for all the fish"
    In all seriousness tho, I hope you one day return ^-^ Try to feel better argon, Everything in your personal life, big or small, will get better in time. The community here if you ever need us, at any time. You will be sorely missed

  3. @Dannysharks "So long and thanks for all the fish"
    In all seriousness tho, I hope you one day return ^-^ Try to feel better argon, Everything in your personal life, big or small, will get better in time. The community here if you ever need us, at any time. You will be sorely missed


  4. @argonFiles goodtimes/fish/banter/morons/hackers/





  5. @CodyJProductions <3


  6. Welp I guess I have to say goodbye to you argon for a while , we'll miss ya argon :/

  7. outshOtz

    20 Mar 2016 Suspended

    if you leave who will report me for breaking all the rules if I ever make an epic comeback?
    pls argon ily <3

  8. Till we meet again dear argon


  9. well argon just fyi your favorite 1.8 server now has a consistent 15+ players base

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