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Nerdnation: Applications

  1. 6 years ago

    @DarthTr8r Thanks! We will get back to you in a few days!

  2. @HustL We will get back to you in a few days, thanks!

  3. IGN:



    16, mature enough


    02v #3709

    Approximate Time on CM:

    Couple of days, not sure, but I have months of experience on vanilla servers

    About Me:

    Love grinding for items and mostly spend my time mining or building

    Former Factions:


    Why Join NN?

    I am a big fan of you internet series on the server and I liked the scale of your builds, I believe I would be welcomed on a faction with such massive builds

    Why Should You Be Accepted?

    I can help the faction either mining or building, overall being a good member



  4. IGN: _Confederacy_
    Age: 14
    Discord: Dimitri Shostakovich#6996
    Approximate time on CM: 2 years of membership at CM, roughly 24.3055556 days of online activity. (ticks were rounded)
    About me: Not all my spare time is devoted to MC as you can see from the time played, I enjoy other things such as school and band.
    Former/Current factions: Pack Alliance (Deceased) Pack Alliance 2.0 (Deceased) Atlas Faction (Current)
    Why join NerdNation: I love the idea of a growing faction and would like to contribute to that growth.
    Why should I be accepted: I can be of great assistance, being here a while gives me resouces to utilize.
    Other: boopadoopdoop.

  5. @2tps Please make sure to read through the application thoroughly- you missed something near the bottom. Also, I'd suggest putting more effort into your application.

    @_Confederacy_ We'll get back to you in a few days, thanks!

  6. @NerdieBirdieYT oh whoops here
    IGN: Goofygirl313

    Age/Maturity: im 11 and pretty mature, at least my friend from school says I am.

    Discord: Goofygirl313 #6820.

    Approximate Time on CM: erm, i don't know like two months (sorry I know you said approximate time, I don't know how long that would be.)

    About Me: I'm a well a goofy girl, I like to role play in minecraft if I am on hypixel or something and when i'm on CM I like to get stuff done like sorting and building, and in IRL I like watching youtube videos, playing minecraft and drawing.

    Former Factions: I have not been in another factions

    Why Join NN? I would like to Join the Nerd Nation because I would like to help out, I saw what happened to your last base and I I would like to give an extra hand.

    Why Should You Be Accepted? I'm a good miner and recourse getter, I can play minecraft a lot now a days (i'm on summer break,) I try to be a good teammate and fair player (I dont Hack, Grief, or Cheat)

    Other: I can make friends easily, I don't know how to use cords so you can keep secret stuff safe with me boopadoopdoop. ( I remember this time)

  7. @goofygirl313 Expect to hear back from us within a few days. Thanks for applying!

  8. Cool, thanks @Blackened_Dawn . @Jimichu , your application will be reviewed! Expect a reply within 2-4 days. Thanks for applying!

  9. @NerdieBirdieYT Cool, thanks @Blackened_Dawn . @Jimichu , your application will be reviewed! Expect a reply within 2-4 days. Thanks for applying!

    thank you!

  10. @ButterChully Our requirement on time played is currently being discussed to get a number of ticks rather than months, as ticks are much more easily provable. Due to this, we will consider your application regardless.

    Thanks for applying! You should hear back within 2-3 days.

  11. Dj scales you are being considered, please give us 2-3 days !

  12. @TheSpiderman2013 You will be considered. Expect a reply within 2-3 days. Thanks for applying!

  13. Edited 6 years ago by BaronBattleBread

    IGN: DankerFan

    Gender: Male

    Discord: DankerFan#9841 (Already in the discord server)

    Approximate Time on CM: 600,000 Exception, Tubby asked Nerdie and Nerdie said it was ok

    About Me: I am DankerFan, I am Tubby's IRL friend and we hang out a lot at school and band. We have been friends for 3.5 years and I love to hang out with him. I play a lot of instruments irl and love to dedicate my time to things that pay off.

    Former Factions: None

    Why Join NN? I joined discord as a friend and I slowly came to like everyone there and what was going on, I decided that i would get MC and I have been helping Hijacked96 with some stuff that i could, I have also been talking to and getting to know everyone else that is there and I really like everyone

    Why Should You Be Accepted? I have done about 600000 ticks in three days and and in doing this i have got to hang out with HiJacked and cinder a little. I also have done some other stuff on the server but i am not going to disclose it on this because I probably should not post it on forums

    Other: I have been in 1 FamilyTuber video i was Known as bomb, I also have an enormous appitite. I know lots of jokes and occasionally have some of my own that i make up, In one semester tubby and I tried to make 1000 punns, we made the goal and i made approximetly 850 of them and lost my sanity in it as well, After extensive counsoling sessions i am now sane again and proud of it, if you ask me to make a pun i might and might Knot. I spelled that wrong yep. That is because i am also a Boy Scout and can tie tons of knots.

  14. @JuraraJupiter Accepted for being a birb <3


    Applications are currently closed. Updates on joining NN will be announced in the next few days.