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Really staff? Really?

  1. 8 years ago

    Comparing us to mineplex is pretty low, it's like comparing a startup company to a multimillion dollar enterprise. Most ban appeals for lesser offences like language violations are appealed, even with very weak ban appeals.

    Right now, you are in the wrong, you read the rules, you agreed to not hacking when you clicked [Accept], and then you hacked. Saying that we did anything wrong under these circumstances is quite hypocritical.

    What makes us think that you won't hack again, in the early days, I unbanned hackers, gave everyone 2nd, 3rd and sometimes even 4th tries, yet they still came back and hacked. On the server I used to moderate on for more then a year, it was the same story. 99% of caught hackers hack again, 50% of the 99% lean from their mistake and are more careful the second time around, making them harder to catch. We receive up to 500 players a day, we don't have time to be handing out 2nd and 3rd chance to everyone.

    We never delete posts unless they break language or spam rules. We leave them around as an example of what can happen if you hack. Once you hack, you never go back.

    - Crafty

  2. Surprise, Surprise, the owner actually reads and replies on his own forum, also, I think you have hit on a valuable point, the players on the server respect me for what I do. Any sort of community that has a head would be shit if the the one in charge did nothing but sit on their ass. I feel being active on the server and forum is essential to creating and maintaining good community.

    At this point I have nothing left to prove, you are basically arguing with yourself, all the points you made in the first post have been nullified by the subsequent ones.

    - Crafty