Soviet's Staff Complaint

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by sovietsuperman

    Hey staff! I'm going to completely rip into you! How dare you not cater to my every whim! Don't you know I'm the most important person on the server! Fuck all those hours you spend coding and attempting to "make this server better" , my single complaint is the most important, and because you won't acknowledge me above everything else I'm going to label you all strict and terrible and say all kinds of awful things about you behind your back because you deserve it.

    Oh look! You finally got back to me, and you called me a noob, well that's ADMIN ABUSE! I don't care how many hours you've been awake "fixing" the server or studying for school or working, I WILL NOT BE TREATED BADLY. I HAVE TO BE TREATED NICELY ALL THE TIME!!!! God! It's not that hard to be friendly all the time! Do it staff! TP me places! Give me back my half a stack of dirt! Give me OP! Let me use hacks! Let me do whatever the hell I want, because that's what every good staff member does

    Everyone who complains on the server

    (This is what it looks like whenever someone complains about staff, don't be that person. If you have a legitimate complaint talk to staff in private. More often than not, public complains make you look stupid and don't solve anything. -SovietSuperman)

  2. Fun fact: When someone makes a public complaint like this, a puppy dies.

  3. @sovietsuperman GG

  4. Well sir let me tell you... No. Have a nice day

  5. @BaronBattleBread Well sir let me tell you... No. Have a nice day

    baron you know he was joking right

  6. @BaronBattleBread It's parody baron

  7. the implied message is lost at the text.. XD yes, i know its a parody. i was responding to it.

  8. LOL this made my entire day. You did a good job Soviet, you deserve a Doge Cookie :D

  9. @iDogeTwinkie

    Can my cookie look like this lol

  10. @sovietsuperman @iDogeTwinkie

    Can my cookie look like this lol

    OMG lol this is awesome

  11. Dammit Soviet! I was so ready to write another one of my big essay/responses at the sight of this title, too bad all I can do is laugh.

  12. lol

  13. 6 years ago

    True then true now

  14. @SovietSuperman_ True then true now

    "Hmm I'm not sure what to make a pointless thread about so I'll just bump an old one!"

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