1. 6 years ago


    Throughout my whole life as a mine crafter I have always seen one rule flaunt itself across all servers. Vanilla, Bukkit, Survival, Creative, even RP, one rule stays the same throughout, No Caps.

    I've always just obeyed this rule and never payed it more than a seconds worth of attention. Not anymore, while I don't wish to challenge the rule, I want to learn about it because I've never known one of the most important aspects of it. Why is this a rule?Why can we not use caps? What ancient custom are we offending? What random person are we hurting? I just want to know what it is I'm doing by breaking this rule, because I'm curious. So if anyone has an explanation to enlighten me, I please ask that you reply to this post and help me out because I'm seriously lost.

  2. Here is a wonderful link that should explain everything. Click here. People should use this site more often.

  3. I thought maybe I'd get a more CraftyMynes specific explanation but thank you for directing to me to google and taking away the hassle of typing in said question into my google search engine.

  4. Basically it's obnoxious, capital letters have a usage in grammar they should stay that way.
    No one wants to have people writing in ALL CAP ALL THE TIME BECAUSE IT STANDS OUT, it's silly and just annoying.
    If we allowed that then we may as well just type in ALL CAPS all the time then.

  5. Thank you, that makes sense.

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