Harvestar news! A random building appeared!

  1. 9 years ago

    The name says it all.
    We don't mind you building in Harevstar, but we do mind you building in random places. If you want to make another building, just message me here on the forums or ask in-game. There are other projects being planned in certain places, and having something like this ^ is just inconvenient. Any other random building will be taken down.

    In other news Cileklim, our Co-owner, has taken a leave of absence for the time being. I believe it was something about exams. Any who, Good luck on your tests Cileklim, don't fail.

    And finally if you wanna join up with Harvestar, your gonna have to wait, as we are currently still opening up land for more room. The hill is stubborn, and he has friends... Why did I chose this location >.<

    But if you wanna join go on and read up on our rules and what we are about here. And don't worry, we will open back up soon, as I will announce it in the forums on the next issue of Harvestar News! Or next discussion, or thread, you get the idea.
    This is BoneChi11er, signing off!

  2. Deleted 9 years ago by r4iscool1
  3. im all for helping in the fight with the hill if you want a hand, 2 picks will always be faster than 1, ill be on more often this week so if you see me online shoot me a message and ill be happy to help

    best of luck with your faction:


  4. i forgot what my comment was. so i have no idea why it was deleted.

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