i got banned for xray
idk what that is. i share an account with my older brother is it something for my skin?
i got banned for xray
idk what that is. i share an account with my older brother is it something for my skin?
Hello ,
Minecraft X-Ray is a utility whose primary purpose is to aid in finding valuable ores and resources inside a Minecraft world It is not allowed in anyway shape or form on our server .
Any form of cheating will not be tolerated - This means anything that gives you an unfair advantage over players who are playing the game the way the game was intended to be played. This includes but is not limited to: non-approved clients (hacked clients), abusing in-game glitchs (duping, x-ray, breaking bedrock) and xray texture packs.
I watched your account mine a few diamond veins in sketchy ways which i gave your account the benefit of doubt but soon after your account left the mines went exploring on the surface , i saw your account stare straight down at an already raided and griefed spawner room, which had no chest or spawner inside which your account didn't bother with (as there wasn't anything left but mossy cobblestone ), then a few minutes afterwards ,suddenly the account stopped then looked straight down at a zombie spawner at least 40 blocks or more below ground at which time had no mobs spawned inside your account dug straight down to it ,as you mined into the room zombies spawned shortly after your account died then left the server, at which time you were in the process of being banned for x-ray.Doesn't matter who was on the account in question, if an account is caught cheating the ban is permanent ,if it was indeed someone else on your account, i suggest in the future you make sure to not share it , and sorry this has happened to you.
therefore your appeal is denied , best wishes elsewhere.