IGN: RetroSenpaii
Reason of Ban: Xraying
Why I Should Be Unbanned: First of all, I would like to start off and say, I have been on this server for around a year, spending money on VIP+ and VIP. Anyway, it may of looked like xraying, and that's kind of the point. Let me explain. I was mining for diamonds and I've done a lot of research on diamonds. Yeah, they are around level 12, but they are also strategically laid out. They aren't random. Each diamond vein generally are around 8-30 blocks apart from each other, ranging from 1 to 10 blocks high or low apart. Few people do this but if you mine 2 blocks up, and about 12 blocks north or south, then switching to east or west, it optimizes your chance of finding diamonds because of their spawn distance. then, from that hole you just dug, you go 1 or 3 blocks high or low for the next tunnel. It probably looks like xray (which i didn't think about) but if you look at my tunnels, you'll probably see a pattern (or not because of caves and lava pool dodging). And yes, it is always randomized, but the range of how many blocks to dig across or up/down is set, so it is almost always in that range. All you would have to do is dig between that range until you hit diamond. This probably sounds like bull, but I've got proof. I took pictures with spectator mode and an xray mod enabled, mainly because spectator wouldn't show when diamonds were at, and it clearly shows that my mining method is effective.
So, I guess this can clear up some of the confusion, and hopefully I'll be able to join again and continue my Eiffel Tower project.
Best Regards,