Chilled__Chaos' Ban Appeal

  1. 8 years ago

    Chilled__Chaos' Ban Appeal


    The reason for my ban is unknown. That is why I am making this ban appeal. I swear I have no idea why I got banned. All I know is that I saw GibsonAxe Saying "Bye Chilled__Chaos" in the chat and I said "????" because I didn't know what he meant and the next second I am banned. It said "Reason: Not listening to staff, inappropriate language".

    I think that I should be unbanned because I have not done anything and I am innocent. I wasn't using inappropriate language and I wasn't doing anything wrong. Just trying to enjoy the server and next second I get banned. Maybe the staff mistakenly thought that I was doing something wrong when I clearly wasn't, or I have no idea why else they would have banned me.


  2. Edited 8 years ago by GibsonAxe

    Hello you broke the following rules,
    Practice good chat etiquette - Don’t use caps, don’t spam, don’t discuss controversial, sensitive or offensive topics (e.g. sex, sexual identity or preferences, race, politics, religion, drugs, etc.), no advertising, no links, no trolling. Please only use the minecraft font and English in global chat. Also part of chat etiquette is having an appropriately named character since your name appears on the player list and in chat. If your name is inappropriate you will be asked to change it. You will likely be banned until you do.

    Be respectful to other players - Don’t use extremely derogatory terms or epithets

    No hate speech in any form - Never engage in hate speech of any kind. This means chat, private message, in your builds, in books, your skin, signs, or any other way that you can think of.

    Listen to staff members - Enough said! People will always find ways around the rules, staff reserve the right to make changes to the rules to cover these holes in order to keep the server a safe friendly place.

    Here is what you said today that provoked your ban,
    <Chilled__Chaos> welcome m8 i am xXmlgswaglord360noscopeurface'420blazeitXx'
    (albeit this ^ may have been let slide)
    <Chilled__Chaos> but in disguise wit dis retarded name
    <§7Chilled__Chaos§r> niggs
    This was today, I have warned you previously over chat rules as well but it seems the warnings went unheeded.

    You will be unbanned in 3 days from this appeal date.
    I advise you look over the rules for better clarification to avoid such things in the future.
    see you in 3 days

  3. Wow... so i can still play in 3 days? wow any normal staff from any normal server would usually not let me. I still dont know what I said that was bad when I said "niggs" but okay...

  4. Deleted 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn
  5. Do not post in ban appeals not belonging to you.

  6. Really Chilled_Chaos... you don't know whats wrong with that?, go google it -_-
    After you do maybe you'll comprehend.
    No hate speech in any form
    Practice good chat etiquette

  7. Deleted 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn
  8. iiTzzJojooo do not post on Ban appeals not belonging to you,
    1. you should know better by now
    2.some1 else already did that on this post and was warned which should have made you even more aware of that fact.

  9. You have been pardoned

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