hello there i am in the makes of making a hunger games arena. if any one would like to help me pls message me i would like that very much also we need to know how much people want to come to the hunger games. people who are invited are: @Gminipug14 , @Djscales101 , @NerdieBirdieYT ,@fire5trainguy , @MaggiAusDaKann, @Czechmate , @humfrydog , @The3xpertGamer @Turf357
people who are coming: @Ealdwine_Drasax @Gminipug14 @NerdieBirdieYT @The3xpertGamer @HaloNest @fire5trainguy @Sirchristopher10 @Djscales101@ShadowHunter7_
hosted by: the HOB
we are not are if these people are coming: @OtherGreenGamer
there are 16 spaces left tell me if you want to join if you cant make it and your on the list please tell me. also if you want to help msg me on the forums or on discord @mineseyecraft#0144. and as always “Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor.”