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I know who leaked cords to Skull Mountain

  1. 6 years ago

    @Cileklim He got Minecraft a couple days ago. He’s a friend of FamilyTuber.

  2. And btw @Cileklim @DankerFan is actually an irl friend of mine. He just got minecraft a few days ago. Definitely not an alt of Nerdie. This saddens me that you guys jump so quickly on Nerdie. He's innocent. ;-;

  3. Someone in the community of craftymynes is trying to frame Nerdie and making us think he is the one leaking cords. Let's see who this could be shall we? First of framing Nerdie would turn the server against him. Therefor his faction would not grow and eventually collapse therefore removing an extremely active faction leaving Team Eye victorious. Hmmm