Leaving the server

  1. 8 years ago

    I didn't make a big imprint anyway and i seem to cause trouble even by just being on the forum so i think the best thing is just for me to leave the server and forum as a whole
    i did enjoy the few weeks i spent here though it really is a good server
    but i cant seem to stop causing personal issues so I'm leaving the server

    bye guys -Bee

  2. bye :(

  3. Why is everyone leaving the server?

  4. @Captain_Mitchell Why is everyone leaving the server?

    it may or may not be getting less fun to play on

  5. im leaving for personal reasons.

  6. @argonFiles it may or may not be getting less fun to play on

    is that why you're still here?

  7. @Blackened_Dawn is that why you're still here?

    i dont know how to answer that tbh

  8. Lmao argon.

  9. outshOtz

    30 Mar 2016 Suspended

    pls beedobi idk who you are but ily <3

  10. Oh gawd out.

  11. I wish you luck with resolving your issues and with whatever you decide to do. The Bee puns will surely be missed..

  12. @Captain_Mitchell Why is everyone leaving the server?

    ask yourself this question.

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