Skywalkplayz got banned, Why?

  1. 7 years ago

    i have been playing with Skywalkplayz. when we where mining he got banned. at first i was thingink "why got he banned" and i ask him. he sad (to fast to me to remember everything) "i got banned for xray". but i know he didnt. and i know he didnt because i just tolt him what is was and what is does (i have use it one on single player).
    so i want to know why and proof why he got banned. i can ask permisson to him if needed.
    i would like to have a answer en i hope you know why i post this.
    bye from GH6CTG

  2. Hi, Appeals must be posted by the player who is banned.
    It is solely their business, they must also follow the template in the sticky.

    If they wish to enquire about their ban, ask them to do it themselves.

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