Selling Uniques & More!

  1. 6 years ago

    Saddles - 1 Diamond Each or 2 Diamonds for 3 Saddles
    God Pickaxe (Eff V, UB III, Fort III, Mending) 5 DB
    Rare Leprechaun Head - 10 DB
    Chain Armor Set - 2 DB
    Aqua Affinity Books - 2 Diamonds
    Frost Walker II Books - 5 Diamonds

  2. Rare Leprechaun Head - 10 DB, wow i got 2 had no idea they were worth that, plus i got the clothes that go with mine, and a santa head and suit, 2 baronbattlebread head and suits, 2 easter bunny heads and the only copy of the PInk Panther head, lol guess i need to start selling them, lol

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