smeyers's Staff Application (2.0)

  1. 4 years ago

    Central Time US/Chicago

    Tell us a bit about yourself: (How long have you played here, What do you like about the server, what do you dislike about the server, what are your strengths, what are your weaknesses, etc. (Please note when we ask about strengths and weaknesses we are looking for your opinion of yourself not your ability with Redstone / if you are a good builder))

    I have played on the current map since September consistently. I like the sense of community on the server and the strong core of players who really uplift the server to a level that other servers cannot achieve. I enjoy all of the kind people I have met on the server and I also have love for the deviants who spice up the server with mischief. I open up to helping or working with anyone, not just those that I know. I have had an enlightening experience recently where my view on life has changed. I believe with my new look on life, I could make a great deal of impact as staff on the server. I am good at communication. I help people as much as I can when asked. I have empathy for others. I try to be as involved as possible in the tight-knit CraftyMynes community. I would say my one real flaw when it comes to the server is in times being easily annoyed or irritated by certain players. Some players just rub me the wrong way by their actions, but I can only think of 2 or 3 players like this. I feel like I have made great strides towards not being irritated. I want to make an impact on the community in a positive manner, and I will work hard to do so.

    Why you are applying:
    As previously stated, I want to make an impact on the community. I want to better the community by increasing peoples open-mindedness and encouraging team building. I hope that everyone can get along well, but I also understand the griefers and raiders. I have no hate for the griefers or raiders, I understand that they add an element of danger, surprise, and fun to the server.

    Time Played on CraftyMynes (ticks): (for this section please type: "ticks?" when you are online in the server)

    26 million ticks

    If you could pick one thing about yourself to change what would it be, why would you change it and how would you change it:

    One thing I want is more drive. I have ideas, and sometimes struggle to put them into motion. After my recent events I have found the will-power to have more drive. I think I am constantly improving.

    Any additional information or notes: (Optional)

    I love the server everyone has collectively built and spent time on, especially the staff. Everyone has provided many fun memories and a place to have fun and talk to others. I hope the staff team will seriously consider me for staff, as I am serious about being a staff member.

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