Phoenix’s ban appeal

  1. 4 months ago
    Edited 4 months ago by ThePhoenix

    Ban appeal for discord and MC.
    Reason why you were banned: for talking about the whole ammo thing previously and being told to do a 2 week break for MC

    As my previous ban appealed said about the whole ammo comment was taken wrong and I know I shouldn’t have said it and I apologize for saying that. I realize that it could’ve been taken a different way from someone who didn’t know fully about it. It won’t happen again. Also like to add I apologize for continuing the drama that has constantly gone on all platforms and will just ignore and let admins know whats going on.

  2. ThePhoenix, you were banned for toxic behavior on CM. It is my hope that over the last 2 weeks you have reflected on your attitude towards other players and will strive to have a rewarding experience on CM and with its community.
    Please be aware any toxic behavior on the server or on discord going forward will not be tolerated and could result in a permanent ban.
    I will unban you now in hopes that you will not resort to toxic behavior in any situation.
    Happy Myning.

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