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Ban appeal for discord and MC.
Reason why you were banned: for talking about the whole ammo thing previously and being told to do a 2 week break for MC
As my previous ban appealed said about the whole ammo comment was taken wrong and I know I shouldn’t have said it and I apologize for saying that. I realize that it could’ve been taken a different way from someone who didn’t know fully about it. It won’t happen again. Also like to add I apologize for continuing the drama that has constantly gone on all platforms and will just ignore and let admins know whats going on.
Reason for ban: making a comment about ammo
I made a comment yesterday about spending 700$ on ammo and glad I didn’t need it. And I guess I got banned for that. I tried to say that it wasn’t meant the way that people were taking it and was told by Dystopia that I HAD to say what I meant by it in the channel rather than DMs or they would take actions to go by what they think I meant. I told him I didn’t want to say what it was intended for because it means I have to bring up politics. So reluctantly I said the comment was implying that if the government tried to come and take my guns I’d go down fighting which is actually on the constitution. All it was meaning was I’d invoke my 2nd amendment right to bare arms against
Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The statement I said got taken extremely differently than what it was actually intended to be. And even after I explained what I meant by it, people still took it as committing acts of violence even though no such thing was done. This started because someone posted the election results and several people aired their opinion on it that aren’t even American. So I posted that comment to not be political about it and not break the rules about it. But it got taken an incredibly different way. For that I apologize I should’ve just stayed out of it and not posted anything about such things. But I love my country and don’t like when people try and shit talk it when they know basically nothing except what the news tells them. And I took that as a way to get jab back at them. After thinking about it that comment def could’ve been taken the wrong way. I didn’t think that people wouldn’t understand what I meant by it because it’s somewhat common thing for the right to say about protecting their firearm rights. And have the flags of “come and take it”. In the future I will refrain from making any such comments and think more about what to say before I say it.
That whole statement had nothing to do with “committing acts of violence” it had to do with protecting my rights as a proud law abiding citizen.
Again I apologize about the wording and how it could be taken.
I know crafty is super busy just bumped this just incase
@TheProph3tx While there are other approved Mods that boost FPS, Lunar Client is one of the best out there. But I'm not here to talk about other approved mods, I'm here talking about 2 mods that are currently Not Approved- Litematica and Lunar Client.
My main point is both would primarily benefit the user experience, depending on the situation. But both of them have gray areas for sure that can be abused against others in the server. If a mod has the possibly to be abused and staff is expecting the player base to not use it, other beneficial mods with gray areas should be brought back into consideration.
I understand why Lunar Client is not allowed, but that same reasoning should be applied to Litematica as it has the potential to be abused. If Litematica is approved, It opens the door to other beneficial mods that have the possibly of harming the vanilla survival experience.
Litematica is approved already.....
@TheProph3tx Couldn't this Rationale be applied to Lunar Client as well then? 90% of people would it be using it as a FPS booster, especially people on older machines. You could just ask players not to use the mini map or HUD modifications.
If someone finds a base using the part of Lunar Client thats not allowed, cant they just be just banned for xray as well?
There are other APPORVED mods that help reduce FPS. Lunar client isnt an approved mod. Simple as that.
@Tez1010 When Crafty gets round to it. He has a full time job!
Sounds good to me! Can't ever hurt to ask ^.^
Couldn’t agree more. I think a way to make this happen is to have all the arenas have it instead of teleporting you into the arena it teleports you to a room with a trap door in it that closes just like how the trading post does and won’t open again until either one or both parties teleport out or die
@Tez1010 As far as Im concerned, Litematica will be kept under review. It is fundamentally a tool the builders enjoy. I will have a look at how easily it can be abused. It was probably the most debated mod request. I dont like it being available myself as it allows copying our builds off the server but respected the collective decision.
Litematica is actually pretty tedious to use. Far from intuitive. I do use it on admin creative builds, and copying competition entries. But I'm sure some of you are quicker at it than me.
Just to add a little to what you said. Although they can copy Admin builds and stuff. All NBT data on chest, command blocks, etc. don’t get copied as the client side can’t possible know or have access to such things. Not even in single player