Cellexya's New House!

  1. 9 years ago

    My new house :D

  2. very nice!

  3. Thank you :D Not close to done yet, but the center is done.

  4. 2muchwood4me

    Might wanna lay off the wood there..seriously. It looks nice but it needs more variety

  5. id put stone bricks around the windows where the spruce wood is, but good job

  6. I like the wood there. Makes it look like a cabin in the woods.

  7. I love it! Looks like a nice cozy cabin, however a fire of any sort may be terribly dangerous with all that wood, be careful when you use the stove.

  8. Fire spread is off cody :P

  9. Edited 9 years ago by Pimple_300ping

    Y u put damper on me joke ;(

    Shitty joke*

  10. Nice!

  11. Nice place Cellexya !

  12. *Captain burn downs the wooden house.

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