Soviet's thoughts: Entitlement

  1. 9 years ago

    So I've been noticing alot of people who tend to critique the play styles of other players, or that tend to make a ton of demands because they believe they "deserve an explanation." That is a funny saying to me. I was taught the world at large owed us nothing and neither did any of its inhabitants, that rights were little man made ideas (Good ones don't get me wrong) that could easily be overturned by circumstance. The world we live in is cold, it doesn't care about fairness or promises so make no demands and have no expectation. Just go with what you are given and if you can, try to make a warm spot for others to enjoy. Make warmth to keep your word and be fair, but don't believe this some how entitles you to the same treatment. Find the Good people who will treat you well, and stick with them, and cast out the others into the cold.

  2. Deleted 4 years ago by Mabzino
  3. @Mabzino It made me cringe as well. Entitlement seems to be a big problem nationwide at the moment.

  4. Asking for an explanation is hardly entitlement, if an explanation is needed. In at least one case, that explanation was needed; one faction had, seemingly unprovoked, attempted to infiltrate another.

    The world we live in is cold, it doesn't care about fairness or promises so make no demands and have no expectation.

    Do you really think that fairness has no value? If you do, you shouldn't hide behind "the world"; if you don't, you are the entitled one—to assign no value to fairness, you must have experienced little of its opposite.

  5. @Mabzino I have to agree here, and although I will be as friendly as possible, it did make me cringe when I read thread titles that said " x, I demand an explanation."

    I just want to clarify that my thread was more of a joke than being serious.

  6. salty baby =/= joke

  7. @Elephant_Parade Demanding an explanation is entitlement. The key word is demanding. Yes, my methods of dealing with problems are quick to the draw, but given a choice between taking a long time for diplomacy, or striking back quickly I will always choose the latter on MC. More often than not my info has been correct, and shooting from the hip has saved my faction a lot of trouble because in the time it takes to make speak it leaves my bases at risk to attack. I was falsely informed of a spy, working for another faction. I figured out both were untrue and have made amends with both parties.

    @Elephant_Parade As for the little bit about fairness, I never said it has no value. In fact I actually said the opposite if your read the full thing

    Make warmth to keep your word and be fair, but don't believe this some how entitles you to the same treatment. Find the Good people who will treat you well, and stick with them, and cast out the others into the cold.

    . And I believe my actions to rectify my mistakes speak for themselves. I simply said the world at large (the various circumstances we deal with) don't care about it as it is impossible for something that lacks consciousness to care about anything. Don't put words into my mouth because you can't read.

  8. @argonFiles -image-

  9. Edited 9 years ago by Elephant_Parade

    Demands aren't necessarily entitled. They certainly can be, but they aren't always; they can be justified. If a starving man demanded a seat at a banquet three feet away, would you call him entitled?

    As for fairness: I assumed that the line I quoted was a justification for unfairness—that is, since the world isn't always fair, you should not expect it of people. I may have misinterpreted that line. However,

    Make warmth to keep your word and be fair, but don't believe this some how entitles you to the same treatment.

    ^ this quote seems to reinforce that. I fail to see how an expectation to be treated fairly is "entitlement"; is fair treatment not a fundamental requirement for a positive society?

  10. @sovietsuperman @argonFiles -image-

    looks like a captcha

  11. @argonFiles Time to prove your not AI argon lol

  12. salty

  13. Wrong it says Sal Ty

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