Edited 8 years ago by MasaruCyri
Same rules as before!
- Please do not post back to back, i mean do not reply of you were the last person to reply, ie double posting. But you can post as many times as you like( each person doesn't get just one post) as long as you aren't replying to yourself.
- Please do not post off topic. It just gets confusing.
- I will start with the number "251" and the next person would reply "252" and the person after that "253", and so on and so on.
- Feel free to add whatever catchy thing or rhyme to your number that you wish. It makes it a bit more fun.
- We will count to 575. Whoever answers the 575 must start a new thread with a new number(preferably the next number)
- Please make sure you answer with the correct number! Do not answer the wrong number if the last number was 252.
Guess it's my turn to start, 252!