1. 8 years ago

    I'm VIP+, why isn't my name aqua on the forums?

  2. It isn't an automatic system, I believe it has to be put in manually. Please be patient.

  3. Ask Crafty

  4. @CraftyMyner helped me with it also.
    Im sure he will help u as soon as he can.

  5. @Tweakerzoid @CraftyMyner helped me with it also.
    Im sure he will help u as soon as he can.

    I sure can!

  6. Okay thanks guys. Also how do I delete conversation on the forums?

  7. @Beedobi It isn't an automatic system, I believe it has to be put in manually. Please be patient.

    And sorry if I came off as impatient, I thought it was an automatic system similar to the IGN name colors. Thanks again for the help!

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