Holy fuck auto-jump stays off xD nonono sir, no sirey
How i feel when i see Auto-Jump is turned on
Holy fuck auto-jump stays off xD nonono sir, no sirey
How i feel when i see Auto-Jump is turned on
i would me more like nooooooooooooooooooooooo......
Tweakerzoid has fallen from the world
Its happened to me many times, im just paranoid enough to keep an alt handy, although i do hate the day i fell and lost 10k of progress
an alt would be very handy for me! you need another minecraft account right?
And another computer I supose.
You need another account yup,but not another computer xD if you open minecraft again when you have it open,you can open it again and run a second client. I generally run two clients at the same time
@Dannysharks You need another account yup,but not another computer xD if you open minecraft again when you have it open,you can open it again and run a second client. I generally run two clients at the same time
Beesharks right? XD
I have two xD Beesharks and another
Although Beesharks is used by both me and Bedobi
hum.... i may have an alt then! :D I will use my nephew's account!
I hope my computer handles 2 clients..
This has been most usefull. Thanks Danny
Man an alt would be nice
I wish i had an alt :/
My laptop is a piece of literal shit and it can run three clients before it turns to shit soo you should be alright xD
Beesharks is an alt that both me and Danny use :P
He tends to use it more than I do, but with the selfie game going on I gotta get lowkey
too sneaky for us Bee haha willing to bet you will make it to the final 3 at least
You bet ur sweet ass I will
I'll become Azrad level of avoidance
minus the not logging in since life isnt actually keeping me too busy atm
but still
update plz?
@TheForgotten20 update plz?
why the fuck would you bump this?
lock pls
@Rybye lock pls
Wish granted. You shall be locked in a 10x10 room with a bunch of endermen, shulkers, creepers, wither skeletons, zombie pigmen and charged creepers. Your room will be covered with 4 layers of obsidian wall and 6 layers of bedrock wall and you'll be granted of one friend. Silverfish seem to be most friendliest. That and you'll be given 1 and half of magic meat and a beginner gear kit. Have fun. :D
There's not too much to show, I was gonna update when I finished a project although I'm doing multiple at the same time and I don't have too much time
Beyond building a overworld base which is designed to be a giant sharks head sticking out from a mountain side, I also need to finish the roof and interior of my mansion, the space ship I'm building and the moon base. Some are more ahead then others but that's my agenda xD
Too Irish for me man
@iDogeTwinkie Wish granted. You shall be locked in a 10x10 room with a bunch of endermen, shulkers, creepers, wither skeletons, zombie pigmen and charged creepers. Your room will be covered with 4 layers of obsidian wall and 6 layers of bedrock wall and you'll be granted of one friend. Silverfish seem to be most friendliest. That and you'll be given 1 and half of magic meat and a beginner gear kit. Have fun. :D
This would be very fun to watch
My laptop can run 10 clients at the same time! Get on my level XD... I don't have 10 alts unfortunately :/
@_Haxington_ do you mean multi boxing?
I'll admit, Orbem Abyssi is a cool name. Kudos to whoever made it.
^ that would be me <3 Thank youuuuu