Venetorem staff application

  1. 9 years ago

    In Game Name: Venetorem

    Age:21 (22 on the 20th)

    Time Zone: Eastern (UTC-05:00)

    Strengths:I generally have a high moral sense and am well versed in both the server and its rules. Whenever there isn't any staff on, I try to control chat and keep it as controlled as I can. I'm rarely bothered by anything in Minecraft, and whenever anything actually gets to me, its never for more than a few hours

    Weaknesses:I can sometimes get distracted by my build, and sometimes lack the patience to deal with chat (or, after a rough work day or earlier in the morning)

    Why you are Applying: I have debated for a long time if I should apply for staff. I've been staff, officers, a guild leaders many times, but its always nice to take a break from responsibilities. So I guess, after some encouragement, that I've had a long enough break and becoming an actual staff member would be more useful for the server than me just talking in chat

    Time Played on: 32477498

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