MeHmetE Saying The N word

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by thedigmaster2011

    MeHmetE said the N word which i think is horrible and i take great offence for it hears proof


    I had to put it like that because copy and paste doesnt work

  2. this is url

  3. Deleted 8 years ago by thedigmaster2011
  4. Deleted 8 years ago by thedigmaster2011
  5. Deleted 8 years ago by thedigmaster2011
  6. Deleted 8 years ago by thedigmaster2011
  7. Deleted 8 years ago by 2Chill
  8. well since there's only 1 picture of him saying that word, that will constitute as a warning, not a ban.

    thank you for your report.

    @builder7555 unless you have more evidence to add, please don't post in report threads, thanks.

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