Petition to rename Phoenix Rising to Rising Phoenix

  1. 6 years ago

    To all players in Phoenix Rising:

    Phoenix Rising is a garbage name compared to Rising Phoenix. We at Team Eye have contracted an independent PR agency and they have concluded that the number of Phoenix Rising applications sent per month will rise by 9,286% (with a 5% error) if they simply renamed their faction to Rising Phoenix.

    Thank you for your attention and please keep our suggestion in mind.

  2. Thank you for your kind suggestion!. The reason for putting Rising after the Phoenix is that it gives a more ongoing sense to the name as rising becomes an active verb and not just an adjective. The Phoenix is Rising and will continue to do so!

    There are and will be no plans to change the name of our successful faction! :D


  3. Edited 6 years ago by 2Chill

    never be to trusting , letting people get close can be dangerous .

    Rising phoenix does sound pretty cool hm, what a creative thought deya.

  4. Why the fuck my skin doesn't have eyes?

  5. You cant do that it would be a PR nightmare

  6. Edited 6 years ago by 2Chill

    @iDogeTwinkie Why the fuck my skin doesn't have eyes?

    i doge no why it doesn't have eyes o.O

  7. @2Chill i doge no why it doesn't have eyes o.O

    You stole them, didn't you?

  8. @iDogeTwinkie You stole them, didn't you?

    No sir i doge have any clue what happened !

  9. @2Chill No sir i doge have any clue what happened !

    pls dnt lie lol

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