How to convert an image to be uploaded and generated in Minecraft as pixel art.

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    I've got a project and I've decided to be lazy and "creative" and just make it a pixel art. I have a program called Spritecraft which makes the schematic from regular pixels to minecraft blocks, but I don't know of any programs that help with generating the schematic in a world . Anyone able to help???

  2. Edited 8 years ago by NutjobBob

    Spritecraft has an option to save creations as an MCedit schematic. Then just use MCedit to plonk them into a world.

  3. @NutjobBob Spritecraft has an option to save creations as an MCedit schematic. Then just use MCedit to plonk them into a world.

    step by step tutorial so I don't fuck it up. I've already got Spitecraft and now I have MCedit but I'm unsure if it's the right version or if it's the best version for my computer since it's so laggy

  4. -image-

    I'm testing it with this picture I perfectly timed once

  5. @NutjobBob It renders in MCedit and I save it but when I open up minecraft and load the world it's not there

  6. I usually use this to do that

  7. @Cutebot I usually use this to do that

    very fucking funny like i haven't done it before. I don't find anything in depth or up to date @Cutebot so your sass was funny but failed to actually help so mind actually helping? this project is due wednesday :P

  8. Never done this before either but it's really straightforward. Here it is in one easy step.

    1. Save Spritecraft schematic
    2. Open or create a minecraft world in MCedit (easiest to choose quick load from start menu)
    3. Press 6 (or click import button on bottom, 6th from left)
    4. Choose Spritecraft schematic
    5. Click to place art
    6. Press enter (or click on import)
    7. Save world, ctrl+s or whatever
    8. Open in minecraft
    9. Admire art

    Step 1 is the most important! Do not skip it!
    I used version

  9. @NutjobBob I am successful at uploading it and playing with it in MC but when I try and rotate it from a vertical position to a horizontal one so more of it can fit it won't load. I'm getting very frustrated trying to figure it out I have been messing with it for the longest time trying to figure it out.

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