Ban Appeal-Croquer

  1. 6 years ago


    11 Nov 2017 Suspended

    Hey i got banned just now the reason said : "Oolfa alt. Stop coming back here. You may appeal at: "
    can you please just explain whats going on? Many other players were calling me by this name, and i told them too to stop because i have no idea what they are talking about. can someone please explain. Thanks - Croquer

  2. So joining the discord named Oofla means nothing to you right

    or joining a 2nd discord with the name Oofla mean nothing either right

    knowing who tsu is means nothing right

    Half assed appeal, can't even bother to formulate a better fake story

    oh and that ip match is so sweet too

  3. I don't understand how you didn't think we would figure out it was you. You joined the discord on your oolfa account first on accident, you then join a mimute later on your new one. Later the same day I joined a different server with another player which we said we would on discord voice chat. You went on Croquer for a bit. Minutes later you left discord , left the server , and came back on oolfa. You coincidentally also know who some 1.9 players are, talk the same way, and share the same matching ips.
    You are never going to be welcomed back.

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