Looking to join a faction

  1. 7 years ago

    Hi everyone!

    I was playing on CraftyMynes and I have heard of a few factions. The ones that I heard the most about were Team Eye and Nerd Nation. However, I heard there are a lot more than those two factions on CraftyMynes. So I would like to see how many factions actually exist on CraftyMynes and I would like to see which one will work the best for me.

    What I look for in a faction: First off, I like factions that are run by those that actually know what they are doing. I have been in factions on other servers, however they all failed due to another faction infiltrating the one I was a part of. I want to be a part of a faction that is organized and is less likely to be infiltrated.
    In previous factions that I have been a part of, the only thing that mattered to me was PvP. I have been in factions that were about building and redstone. Others were efforts to try and establish a globally balanced economy on the server. However, they all failed because they were easy to infiltrate. It seems that in every raiding server that I go to, the only factions that survive are factions that are centered around PvP. Especially those on raiding servers.

    So to wrap things up: I want a faction that is organized, run by experienced and strong leaders, and does not fall to some other faction insiding it. What does CraftyMynes and its factions have to offer?

  2. SC all the way

  3. Are you saying you want a building faction or a pvp/raiding one?

  4. @Tez1010 Are you saying you want a building faction or a pvp/raiding one?

    I could take either one, but I prefer PvP factions.

  5. Edited 7 years ago by onionpaste

    Oh ok never mind then, SC is not a pvp based faction.

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