
Last active 2 years ago

  1. 2 years ago
    Sun Mar 27 18:38:17 2022
    CosmereDragon started the conversation CosmereDragon's Ban Appeal.

    In Game Name: CosmereDragon

    Reason for your ban: IP has been detected as a Proxy/VPN

    Why should you be unbanned: My VPN starts up automatically with my computer. Forgot to turn it off before logging on.

  2. 3 years ago
    Thu Feb 11 17:40:30 2021
    CosmereDragon started the conversation CosmereDragon's Ban Appeal.

    In Game Name: CosmereDragon

    Reason for your ban: IP detected as a Proxy/VPN

    Why should you be unbanned: After my last ban for accidentally having my VPN on while joining the server, I specifically made sure to set it up that it would not happen again. Ever since I set it up so that my VPN would not work with Minecraft I have been playing without problem or worry for quite a while. I don't know what happened for this to happen again but I am not trying to be malicious here. I will try my best again to not have this happen in the future. Sorry for the trouble.

  3. 4 years ago
    Sat Jan 23 00:23:43 2021
    CosmereDragon started the conversation CosmereDragon's Ban Appeal.

    In Game Name: CosmereDragon

    Reason for your ban: IP has been detected as a Proxy/VPN

    Why should you be unbanned: I use a VPN for general use and safety while online. I have it always running in the background and often forget about it. I usually turn it off before getting on the server but had a brain fart and forgot to do that. It will hopefully not happen again. I have no malicious intent in using a VPN.

  4. 7 years ago
    Fri May 12 16:07:32 2017
    CosmereDragon posted in RTP and Spawn killing Rules Update!.

    What about fighting the ender dragon?

  5. Wed Apr 12 21:45:21 2017
    CosmereDragon started the conversation _MasterDragon_'s Staff Application.

    In Game Name: _MasterDragon_

    Age: 19

    Time Zone: American/La_Paz

    Strengths: I am a trustworthy player and have spent a lot of time here on CraftyMynes. I spend a couple hours a day on the server. I try to be nice to most people I meet and help out when I can. I know the rules very well and sometimes help out in chat when there is a problem. I know a few staff members already and consider a few to be good friends of mine. On the Minecraft side of things, I would consider myself an ok builder and I’m not completely lost when it comes to redstone.

    Weaknesses: I think my biggest weakness at the moment is my internet, as I often have low connection. Unfortunately there is not much I can do to fix it right now. I’m also not very social in main chat. I mostly just talk to my basemates.

    Why you are Applying: I am applying because I really love this server and it’s community. Minecraft is pretty much the only game I play and this is the only server I play on. Most of my friends on this server are staff or have been staff before so I thought I would join them in helping out the server. I would love to lend my help to Craftymynes in any way I am able to.

    Time Played on CraftyMynes (ticks): 38.5 million on the last map and 18,383,628 on the current map.

    Custom Note (optional): Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this application. I would also like to thank the Towel Gang for being such good friends and being so supportive. I probably wouldn’t have applied if it wasn’t for them. Playing on CraftyMynes has been a wonderful journey and I can’t wait to see what it has in store for me in the future.

  6. Sat Apr 8 02:24:08 2017
    CosmereDragon posted in PVP and loggers.

    @HaloNest check out my "cant connect" thread before you say bs

    If you are having connection problems maybe it would be best not to go in the arena.

  7. Mon Mar 27 22:03:36 2017
    CosmereDragon posted in Something big is coming....

    It has arrived...

  8. Sat Mar 25 22:40:15 2017
    CosmereDragon started the conversation Something big is coming....


  9. 8 years ago
    Tue Nov 22 15:48:55 2016
    CosmereDragon posted in Unofficial map reset poll.

    To fix the broken economy? Why do you guys push for a reset so hard and for the most nonsensical of things! It is a sandbox game not a economy management game! And why does it have to be right now!

    @Cileklim Voted!

    Well, at least it gives an idea about what players want even if it can be rigged with multiple votes...

    And this just goes to show how terrible the community is being right now.

  10. Mon Nov 21 22:25:34 2016

    I will order 1 god shovel (with silk touch), 1 god axe, 1 god sword (kb 2), 2 god picks (both with fortune), and 1 god rod. And can you name them? I would rather it be in a pm. Lost all of those breaking my shulker box in an item clear. :-:

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