Last active 5 years ago
Hey CraftyMyners!! it's been a long, long time. I've been poking around the server lately and have been thinking about coming back to enjoy things like the Arena or Parkour for my Stream. Oh ya, the last 6 months I've worked on becoming a Twitch Streamer so feel free to stop by and watch some Parkour fails and lots of people get my head in the arena. :)
m a j e s t i c b e a r d
Im actually thinking about shaving the beard off.. Its always in the way, but I fear the shock of the cold will hurt :P
Had a chilly walk home from work at 4am.. Everyone looks way to warm in their pics XD
almost looks like a Christmas wreath, was it from a Crafty Crate?
@MisterChris717 We could use math to answer this.
There are about 77 iron ore per chunk.
There are about 3.097 diamond ore per chunk.
Craftymynes' world has an area of 200k*200k, which gives us 40000000000² blocks in area.
40000000000/16 gives us how many chunks there are, 2500000000 chunks exist in Craftymynes.
2500000000 * 3.097 Gives us 7742500000, that's how many diamonds exist in Craftymynes.
2500000000 * 77 Gives us 192500000000, that's how much iron exists in Craftymynes
192500000000 / 7742500000 Gives us 24.862770423, we can round off that to 25.
So that's 25 iron per 1 diamond.
Hope this helps! :)
Im not claiming to be a math expert but does this account for diamonds only spawning below Y16? Because if Im not mistaken all you really did was divide 77 by 3.097.
hmm i have one sitting around i believe if you still need one
lol I was just going to congratulate you on that :D yay First Shop in the Shops section XD
amazing pictures Tez XD so jealous.. but Congrats on getting all the way through :D
@Retrochewy also has anyone ever taken a 2 minute nap?
An unintentional one yes.