turning off a hacked client

  1. 7 years ago

    i play on a different seer that allows hacks, and i take advantage of that, but its a pain to close out of mc to switch to vanilla. The hacks have a turn off button, so if i could just turn off hacks in game would that be ok? cuz it takes a long time to restart mc

  2. No, no clients doesn't matter if it will be claimed to be turned off.

  3. Since when it takes a long time to restart MC?

    Unless you got a potato of a computer then it's gonna take a century.

  4. Its just a pain to restart mc
    also gibby, do u mean turning it off still becomes a ban or its ok along as you dont cheat

  5. I'm not a member of staff here but just a response until you get a more accurate one, to my knowledge, using and playing with a hacked client on the server is a no-no (I think it's a perma ban), even if the cheats claim to be off. you still have access to them easily hence, gives you an unfair advantage over other players. Again, I am not staff, and if this response is not true, I apologize for misleading.

  6. Gibson said you can't use hacked clients, even if you claim you turned off the hacks. If it is found out that you are on the server with a hacked client, you will be banned. Just restart minecraft. Get a snack, go to the bathroom, take a nap, whatever, during the two minutes it restarts.

  7. ok then, but i think there arent enough granola bars on the counter

  8. also has anyone ever taken a 2 minute nap?

  9. @Retrochewy also has anyone ever taken a 2 minute nap?

    An unintentional one yes.

  10. @Retrochewy also has anyone ever taken a 2 minute nap?

    I never go out without one

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