Last active 3 years ago
Just wanted to say that im back playing on the server again.
No clue who will remember me.
it did have a windmill also a town square and a mine?
@iwarriiori Im not trying to say that griefing shouldn't be allowed but i'm interested in what you enjoy about it other than the fact of blowing stuff up why do you do it? Also you raided DraconHoff Once i rebuilt it again you been back yet?
ay you got alt in btw im still active just rarely
@Sofatroll As part of a large facfion's leadership I say: Helping random people aint our frkn job. We aint the salavation-army, are we? We are helpful enough by not raiding all the people we possibly could with our resources and manpower.
That statement apply's to all but team eye. :)
On a Less serious note. Im thankful for my life.
More serious note. Im thankful that i have had the opportunity given to me unlike some people in the world and that i have a chance to make it somewhere other people don't have the chance to make it to. Honestly im thankful for every opportunity or resources that i have had. The fact alone i have the funds to supply myself with more than food and shelter is amazing.