Hello, first of all a deep appreciation that the server always follows up with the current vanilla minecraft version, Thankyou Crafty and the all the teams that's been working hard for this server.
My girlfriend and I are happily playing minecraft, our laptops unfortunately have to use Optifine in order to be playing between 20-30 fps.
With the current version of the server that only supports 1.19.3, we have no choice but to wait Optifine to update their version aswell. But it's been almost 2 weeks since the 1.19.3 minecraft update, and the latest Optifine has now is 1.19.2 version (which is rare for Optifine not to update it asap).
With that in mind we would like to ask, can Crafty make the server compatible with any 1.19.x version ?
I know it's alot to ask and might be impossible to do, but any answer will be appreciated.
Thankyou in advance.