1. 8 years ago


    So, Seeing as my last faction post felt like more of a one up rather than anything serious I'm going to make an official post.
    I'm removing the order part of the and I'll keep it brief.

    We are the Ravens, Caw. We don't have a set purpose as other factions may other than to do the best we actually can. As as a result we are sort of a jack of all trades. We also intend to be a logistical faction, There is no point in fighting with due cause, and becuase fuck it, Why not.


    Pretty much we're in the process of building home nests and the like and gearing up, Etc. Slow work, But steady.
    If anyone is interested in joining.. Feel free to message me in game or through the forums.


    (I like throwing in images as well, Spices things up. Caw.)
    Just as fair warning, Us Ravens are a cautious lot. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you. :P
    So my friends, Take flight, And enjoy your time! Caw.
    Even though we're known as an unkindness or a conspiracy we are the complete opposite! (For the former at least xD)

    Random Raven fact:

    Ravens can show empathy to each other.

    Despite their mischievous nature, ravens seem capable of feeling empathy. When a raven’s friend loses in a fight, they will seem to console the losing bird. They also remember birds they like and will respond in a friendly way to certain birds for at least three years after seeing them. (They also respond negatively to enemies and suspiciously to strange ravens.) Although a flock of ravens is called an “unkindness,” the birds appear to be anything but.

    Caw! Caw!

  2. You are aware that's my emblem on that building, and that I still have the cords to it?

  3. Edited 8 years ago by TheDunmerRaven

    @sovietsuperman You are aware that's my emblem on that building, and that I still have the cords to it?

    There was a slight misunderstanding here, Hopefully it's been corrected.

    As for the emblem, It's a part of the tower, By keeping it and the tower intact it helps to represent the connection of the past and the present and maybe even the possibilities of the future.

    As a side note, this nest is no longer in the position thought, 'twas moved long ago, the coords are pretty safe too.

  4. Hello, I would like throw my name in the ring for joining your faction. There isn't an application format, so I'll just improvise lel.
    Strengths: Building with dirt, Farming, Minor redstone contraptions, Mining, Loyalty, Gather supplies, and a vast knowledge of minecraft facts.
    Weakness: Pvp, Pve, Extreme redstone, Building with blocks other than dirt, and venturing in the nether. That lava always gets me when I get greedy and go for more loot.
    Why you should pick me: I am loyal, I'm not dumb enough to let some person tpa to me. I would help you farm and mine, and get supplies. I can follow orders pretty good..... pretty good lol
    Why you shouldn't hire me: I haven't been on to much as of late(due to lag issues, and I'm working on getting that resolved) And I have never actually talked to you ingame. In fact I don't think I've ever said more then 5 sentences in chat.
    That's all I have if you need anything else let me know. As I stated since I haven't talked to you much I can understand if you choose not to accept me. But we can still be allies. I was going to join the Penguins and some others, but I've decided to go nomad so far. Best wishes.

  5. FishW are you in a faction?

  6. Not at the moment, that's why I applied to The Ravens lol

  7. Ravens... My favorite football team!!!

  8. @afritz9500 Ravens... My favorite football team!!!

    There's a football team?!? :o

    In which case, Go Ravens!

  9. ^ American Football yah
    Baltimore Ravens
    (I have a pillow pet of Poe their mascot)

  10. Lol you moved into an old ruin? Mayhaps you be cuckoos, not ravens? Noot Noot.

  11. xD

  12. @MagnaOpera Lol you moved into an old ruin? Mayhaps you be cuckoos, not ravens? Noot Noot.

    It would be a waste of time to move into an old ruin. Would be self deprecating.
    The tower was built by me, When I was moving base I took it apart and took it with me at my new and quite safe base. (Other than bloody mobs). I quite like the tower as it took me quite a while to construct, And it serves as my base of operations in the local area at the moment.

    Tldr: Not an old ruin, All built by me.


  13. Raven news! Di di di di di di di.
    We're still alive and doing well. The spider has a few friends..
    Our nest is going quite well, although its at a point we're building using whatever ideas we have :P
    All in all, Our flight is good, xD


    Raven fact O' the day:

    Ravens are adaptable.

    Evolutionarily speaking, the deck is stacked in the raven’s favor. They can live in a variety of habitats, from snow to desert to mountains to forests. They are scavengers with a huge diet that includes fish, meat, seeds, fruit, carrion, and garbage. They are not above tricking animals out of their food—one raven will distract the other animal, for example, and the other will steal its food. They have few predators and live a long time: 17 years in the wild and up to 40 years in captivity.

    Caw! Caw! And one for good luck: Caw!

  14. Dude thats a cool shield...

  15. @Maems Dude thats a cool shield...

    You can thank bonechiller (I know, But still!) and my fuckng up of his recipie for it :P
    I messed up the last bit of it, and figured I'd just throw it on a shield,I quite like it..

  16. Edited 8 years ago by TheDunmerRaven

    I googled Cute Ravens.. Was not dissapointed.
    "Imma going to eat you!"

    And was defintely not disappointed by this..

    Happy Caw everyone!

    Caw! Caw!

  17. Lol i thought you were going to say it was your pet raven.

  18. @FishW Lol i thought you were going to say it was your pet raven.

    We don't keep pet ravens xD They're free to frolic in the clouds.

  19. @TheDunmerRaven You can thank bonechiller (I know, But still!) and my fuckng up of his recipie for it :P

    You had one job...

  20. Rare image of the secretive exploding raven!


    As of yet we haven't decided what to do with this latest addition. At least we can relax with a good ole glass of water.



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