New leadership

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    @FishW Lol this is comicial keep up the civil war!

    Would this be viewed as a civil war?
    @_Haxington_ hasn't actually fought back, so if anything it'd be an insurgency.

  3. @TheDunmerRaven Would this be viewed as a civil war?
    @_Haxington_ hasn't actually fought back, so if anything it'd be an insurgency.

    Good point!

    @FishW My question is that is anyone actually following and siding with deathadder/flux

    I completly forgot about this also

    So yea basicially it seems like he is just trying to take the Celestial Order name. And he is basicially causing havoc. Best of luck to hax to defeat these invaders/invader.

  4. Noot Noot, Noot.

  5. Caw Caw Caw!

  6. @TheDunmerRaven Would this be viewed as a civil war?
    @_Haxington_ hasn't actually fought back, so if anything it'd be an insurgency.

    @TheDunmerRaven I think coup may be a closer term

  7. @thegoldsmith @TheDunmerRaven I think coup may be a closer term

    A coup! Wonderful!

  8. Edited 8 years ago by thegoldsmith

    @TheDunmerRaven you forgot the Caw

  9. @thegoldsmith @TheDunmerRaven you forgot the Caw

    A caw is not always required xD

  10. Rip Faction, I wonder what new faction will be made now that Flux has "Assumed Control" of this one :)

  11. @_Confederacy_ Rip Faction, I wonder what new faction will be made now that Flux has "Assumed Control" of this one :)

    soon he will probably change the name, hax will keep the true celestial order alive

    even if this liar decides to stick around claming he's the true leader...

    @deathadder [UPDATE] New leadership

    This just in; Haxington aka Loggington aka Noobington has announced his unretreat from the capital of the order.

    i hate to break the bad news to ya but bases get abandoned all the time.

  12. Blesian

    2 Jun 2016 Suspended

    @ardoasms i hate to break the bad news to ya but bases get abandoned all the time.

    yeah especially after being raided like they were again 7hrs ago ^_^ good point mate

  13. My propaganda will ensure that everyone knows who the true leader of the order is.

    Become an ally of the Celestial Order today!

    The Sky Is Not The Limit!

    Allies get free Hax Steaks :P

  14. "Propaganda"
    :) :)

  15. You want a Hax Steak _Confederacy_ ? :P

  16. @_Haxington_ My propaganda will ensure that everyone knows who the true leader of the order is.

    Become an ally of the Celestial Order today!

    The Sky Is Not The Limit!

    Allies get free Hax Steaks :P

    It's not effective propaganda as it's very much obvious what you're trying to do.

  17. Badmouthing a nice guy on the forums isn't really going to do anything for you, except boost your ego a ton. But your ego is only how much you like yourself..remember what you got banned for the last time?

  18. The bigger the pride, the harder they fall.

  19. Im pretty sure haxington has one of the biggest egos on the server.

  20. Succeeding does not matter. Wanting to succeed is what is important.

  21. @argonFiles remember what you got banned for the last time?

    Who was banned?

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