Connection issues

  1. 7 years ago

    Hi everyone, I'm having some issues with the server lately, since 1.10 comes out the server seems to not load the chunks anymore.
    Could be a connection problem, (sice I live in Italy) but I wanted to hear your oppinion, have a good time guys!

  2. Look up how to take a "mtr" Put in "" and private message me your results. This is like pinging the server but combined with a trace route, I suspect there might be some packet loss due to the long distance and it may help to find out where it is happening.

  3. Press f3 + A and it should (to a degree) fix this problem.

    If it is your internet (Often the case for me) then you need faster internet :(

  4. are you connecting via wifi? because if you are, wifi connections are effected by distance, number of walls, the direction the wifi antennas, and even the number of devices connected to it. i would suggest adjusting the angles of the antennas if theyre exposed and disconnecting any unnescisary devices because wifi doesnt supply bandwidth to all devices at the same time. it jumps from device to device. A wired connection doesnt have this issue.

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