I make stuff in SFM

  1. 7 years ago

    Yes, you heard right! I make posters in SFM or SourceFilmmaker, a tool found in Steam!
    Here's some of the artwork that I've done, all from Team Fortress 2 (My fav game of all time <3)

    Yes, they're a lot, but this is what I love doing on my spare time :P

  2. The chest hairs on saxton are the shape of australia lol

  3. Very nice
    I used to play TF2 and do SFM's too
    But sadly I sold my Australium and unusual for a knife on csgo

  4. back when i used sfm for animating and not for making stupid audios

  5. @argonFiles

    back when i used sfm for animating and not for making stupid audios

    Aahahahah looks amazing! With some practice that would look even better :o

  6. I could never figure out lighting

  7. Edited 7 years ago by Andureil

    @argonFiles I could never figure out lighting

    That's the map's light set? Because it looks good enough! I never usually use lights on maps like those, just one or two for kewl effects

  8. Deleted 7 years ago by Andureil
  9. Nysic'd be proud of the third one.

    Anyways you did a really nice job on these!

  10. @OtherGreenGamer Nysic'd be proud of the third one.

    Anyways you did a really nice job on these!

    Thanks! :D

  11. I am a fan lol I saved the pic

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