1. 8 years ago

    I would like to request that my dog *sniff sniff* be added to the graveyard at spawn so we can forever cherish how much he meant to everyone.

    I had a dog on the server that I tamed near my first base, and I cared for him so much that I never actually named him. We would do everything together, from me telling him to sit down and don't get in my way, to me making him sit so I could continue work on my build. But that all changed when the fire nation attacked.

    I logged in one day, and somehow, SOMEHOW, someone had found my base, even though it was a whole 10k outside of spawn. (They probably hacked, it's still under investigation how they found me) I was absolutely devastated, and continued to shrug my shoulders at the piles upon piles of pure cobblestone that I had lost. I travelled back to spawn to begin my epic trek across foreign land with only my dog and good looks to keep me alive. My dog had somehow glitch teleported into spawn with me, the perfect accident that would allow me to bring along my last remaining piece of my base: my dog, [untitled].

    After teleporting to spawn, we ventured along, fast and far, all the way to the spawn jail. My beloved [untitled] had made a new friend, [name who I can't remember], who adored him and pet him with affection.

    Then MasaruCyri showed up and brutally murdered my dog at spawn, blah blah, you get the idea.

    So yeah, I was thinking since [untitled] has touched everyone's hearts so deeply, he deserves a memorial at the spawn graveyard so everyone can mourn his leaving.


  2. @Derndeff
    sure, just contact me on the server when you're on

  3. Surprisingly that story was entertaining.

  4. Doggo does a graveyard request ;-;

  5. Edited 8 years ago by Blackfish_

    Shit. put his dog to the graveyard plz :( ill throw 3 block emmies to tribute his death

  6. Deleted 8 years ago by r4iscool1
  7. let me specify something "a whole 10k out side of spawn"...wait isnt 10k within rtp radius?( please build at least 40k away for underground 80 k for above ground use nether roof)

  8. @ViciousKangaroo a traitor amugst our base unfortunately took everything valuable and all artifacts to the base, this include your head and my head and tmtom9000's bread....sad lyfe.

  9. Masa is r00d lol

  10. @Cileklim Masa is r00d lol

    you're r00d, d00d.

  11. Edited 8 years ago by bSan420

    What about that polar bear that lived over one of the floating ballons on spawn? Sparkles?

  12. i cri evrytim

  13. @TheForgotten20 let me specify something "a whole 10k out side of spawn"...wait isnt 10k within rtp radius?( please build at least 40k away for underground 80 k for above ground use nether roof)

    Lol that's the joke...

  14. We should have a grave for all fallen and abandoned doggies

  15. Dogs Graveyard

  16. Yes, but my doggo must have the largest monument. >:u

  17. The grave is now in place, if you want to go leave doggo some Magic Meat. Just watch out for the hobo that hangs out near there stealing all the meat.

  18. can my faction have a graveyard for everysnowen that has died? especially my special snowmen olaf

  19. we should have a grave for all the polar bears cub that we killed at spawn.. RIP

  20. Now, we should put derndeff in graveyard bcz he can't play again in this server. So.. Rip

  21. Newer ›

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