Witty sword name ideas!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    "A Bottle of Tapatio"

    " Kooloo-Limpah!"


    "Majora's Mask's Graphics"

    "La Chancla"

  3. "Denaturation of Immunoglobin"

    "Virus Infected Dendritic Cells"


  4. "/\ Loomanarty Confirmed /\"

  5. Creeper, did you mean immunoglobulin? ;D
    "The Be All and End All"

  6. Can I second Abby's Fishbowl please?

  7. Andy's fish bowl *

  8. Harry Johnson.

  9. Barack O'llama

  10. @sovietsuperman Barack O'llama


  11. "Rick Rolled"

  12. " Hey ! Listen !" Legend of Zelda references ftw :D

  13. Navi lol

  14. "The Phantom Hourglass"

    " Spirit Tracks"

    "The Wind Waker"

    "The Master Sword"

  15. Edited 8 years ago by Chips_The_Gamer

    "Guren No Yumiya" (This name would be a better fit for a bow) :D

  16. I Can't Believe It's Not Magick

  17. "Skyward Sword"

    "A Link Between Worlds"

    "The Minish Cap"

    "Four Swords"

    "The Ocarina of Time"

    "Link's Crossbow Training"

    "A Link to the Past"

  18. @Nysic ok. then. Richard's Gear

  19. Dannysharks has one named "Dawnbreaker", which is a reference to a sword in Skyrim.
    Other sword references include my very own Glamdring.

  20. Wabbajack

  21. ^-^ It got recognised! xD My next sword will be duskbreaker xD And its a reference to Oblivion, and in particular the shivering isles ^-^

  22. Newer ›

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