1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    Ooo nice mith!

  3. id say to swap to panes if you swap the glass, that doesnt have the lines around each block to deal with

  4. @ardoasms id say to swap to panes if you swap the glass, that doesnt have the lines around each block to deal with

    I could do that for a couple, but not for most. The panes allow items to get stuck on the ledges. I'll look into it.

  5. I put prismarine under the glass floor! What do you think? Believe it or not i think it makes the room even brighter.


  6. Was working on the basement today. Any thoughts?


  7. Nah, looks nice ;)

  8. My very own Wall of the dead. Not as many as some, but i think it's not too shabby.





  9. Edited 7 years ago by ViciousKangaroo

    Oo mah head is there :D

    2 of them D:

  10. If you see the same head twice it's from two different players.

  11. I think it'd be cool if you added a lava fountain and lava falls in your basement, like iron bars on some parts of the walls and a flow of lava behind it :P

  12. Edited 7 years ago by ViciousKangaroo

    @mithraculus If you see the same head twice it's from two different players.

    Its impossible to know that if they have the same skin :/ and cookie's face on the bottom of his head is hilarious xD

  13. thank goodness i don't see any penguins on your wall

  14. Edited 7 years ago by thegoldsmith

    i'll be honest my first thought when i saw the head wall was Ha! then in the annoying tune from playgrounds everywhere you don't have my head. you don't have my head. you don't have my head. you don't have my head. then is was that is a nice head wall

  15. Picture of the stairs leading to my zombie spawner. I like the effect. Rather creepy looking.


  16. Edited 7 years ago by mithraculus

    Relocated librarian trading area


  17. love your building. however, the roofs prismarine looks very messy and all in all prismarine is not a very good building block, only good for decoration.

  18. I like the stair case @mithraculus

  19. Very good base gg

  20. After experimenting a bit, i determined i would keep the same theme for the walls on the second level that i did for the buildings. What does the community think?


  21. *mindblown* nice

  22. Newer ›

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