ungreifable xp farm for everyone

  1. 9 years ago

    unless I'm missing something this server has a large xp deficit for new players and that means no quick diamond armor and it means new players take much longer to build their bases, surely we can't just rely on people finding a spawner for every base they have? If I'm just wrong and we should just expect players to have a spawner in all of their bases then please enlighten me, I'm just asking for an easier way out of my frustration.

  2. No for me, the fact that there's a public op spawner out there makes it 10x easier. For me, the whole point of this game is to simulate a vanilla minecraft experience. If you want everyone running around with diamond armour and op bases, I guess factions is a better alternative for you.

  3. i don't but it's at least twice as hard on here to get xp than on singleplayer -.-

  4. I don't see how's it twice as hard, you get the same sources in singleplayer: mobs, animals (If you are far enough) and spawners. You can also vote everyday for a huge chunk of xp, I don't know the exact amount, but enough to go from 30-33.

  5. You can't ask for free XP (in my opinion). I really do think that takes away a part of the game, a big challenge of Minecraft. Plus, we do already provide you with an enchanting table and ender chest.

  6. Edited 8 years ago by BaronBattleBread

    not sure if you knew, but there is an *message redacted* in the *message redacted* you can use too get your xp.
    The real question is wether or not we can make the *message redacted* ungreifable, and if we can not have PVP in it, as it is admin built.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by BaronBattleBread

    We cant do that to the*message redacted* We already provide so much at the start, and it spawn, that making a pvp disabled*message redacted* makes it way to easy. It removes from the experiance of surviving. It would be nice to have it unable to be griefed, but due to our vanilla nature i cant see it happening

  8. Edited 8 years ago by BaronBattleBread

    Ummm, please don't mention the*message redacted* publicly. The more people knowing about it means it's more likely getting griefed.

  9. 8 years ago

    There are already lots of ways to get easy free xp if you know where to look and take the time but i'm not giving up my secrets ;)

  10. Edited 8 years ago by BaronBattleBread

    oooh a *message redacted* u say

  11. @Mytymj unless I'm missing something this server has a large xp deficit for new players and that means no quick diamond armor and it means new players take much longer to build their bases

    Its not supposed to be quick. if it was quick adn easy then where would the fun be of getting it. and what does XP have to do with building a base? Your line of reasonsing seems a bit backwards for a vanilla server... are you sure you're ready for the vanilla experiance?

  12. Everyone on this server has started from nothing. I personally ran for a week straight to get away from the spawn area. I found a location, found a spawner,worked really hard for what I have with no public grinder. This is all part of the game if you don't like this version of minecraft there are others. The server provides free xp, free food, starter kit, fully upgraded enchanting table, smelting room, villager trades, brewing stations, community chests, ender chests, also access to the end, nether and a random teleport into the wild. Also if you donate to get vip or vip + you will be able to access the "guardian grinder" vip trades as well as other perks. This server gives you plenty to help you get started.

  13. Edited 8 years ago by iiTzZJojooo

    the guardian grinder is the worst possible way to get xp lmao, not only does it suck but it takes so much time to kill a guardian as your underwater > this results in you having to walk out and back in as you need air and also when theres like 5 in there, they just destroy you with there lasers, I wouldn't advise using the vip guardian grinder its a waste of time, Better off just mining for xp as its less dangerous and time enhancing.

  14. Hence the quotations lol although the 1.9 grinder is a little better.

  15. @BaronBattleBread Its not supposed to be quick. if it was quick adn easy then where would the fun be of getting it. and what does XP have to do with building a base? Your line of reasonsing seems a bit backwards for a vanilla server... are you sure you're ready for the vanilla experiance?

    this was posted for the legacy server :P

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