RolePlayer's Community

  1. 7 years ago

    I am founding The RolePlayer's Community! A hub for all you players that enjoy adding an extra layer of depth to their Minecraft world. Now, we can create our own nations, in-game communities, and adventures to add a deep player made Lore to the server. If anyone is interested in joining this, let me know! And if we get enough support and interest, I will expand this thread and create a proper RP hub here!

  2. inb4 Griefed

  3. What a time to be alive

  4. Team eye is the Dark Brotherhood

  5. @Shvex Team eye is the Dark Brotherhood

    (The Dark Brotherhood was a large and respected organisation. Sure they were feared, but such a comparision is well off.)

  6. Hey! This is a place with creativity and how we express ourselves through figures for the best of the CraftyMynes lore how dare you trigger me with such words of what we can and can't become or how much we relate or don't relate!

    -Pimpcy flies off with dragon wings claiming the skies-

  7. Squark squark, Noot Noot!

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