YellO Follower's

  1. 8 years ago

    We the people must follow in the Righteous Path of the might YELLOW ONE! He brought unto us the piece among factions and will reunite the server as a whole. The YellO will guide us and keep us safe. It is out Duty to make CraftyMynes Great Again. Who will stand with me and walk the path our lord and savior The YellO left for us, and on the day of his return we will receive riches beyond our comprehension. Brothers, Sisters let ye be know, Speak up!

  2. OMG I knew this was going to happen!
    What did I tell you?
    The followers of YellO are going to take over CraftyMynes!

  3. There will be Abominations in our Path of destiny, Do not let them sway your emotions, for we have saw through Yellow Tinted eyes, and have been cleansed by the Mother Sunflower.

  4. Edited 8 years ago by _Haxington_

    Not on my watch!
    I will put an end to this!

    Whoever wants to oppose the flower people with me say I!!!

  5. L, or is it l, or ...

  6. @_Confederacy_ Do not listen to his heresy. He is against the harmony in which The YellO has sought after.

  7. Deleted 8 years ago by GibsonAxe
  8. I shall be one with the YellO

  9. I have seen the light and it is yellow

  10. Nooo! You are all following a false idol!
    Don't you see? This is all part of the Yellow One's plan to take over CraftyMynes!

  11. l

  12. YellO isnt real. Omega stop claiming something that isnt yours. You sre a fake.

  13. Today I received a yellow flower named "May the Yellow One protect you"...

  14. I threw that thing away lol

  15. @MixMasherPvp YellO isnt real. Omega stop claiming something that isnt yours. You sre a fake.

    Oh he's real alright...

    And he must be stopped!

  16. @Captain_Mitchell I threw that thing away lol

    LOL! This made me laughed xD

  17. NO ONE has seen who gave the the flowers?????

    How is this possible?

    They just seem to pop into your inventory as if they were summoned by a command...

  18. I am not claiming anything I am merely a follower and I worship the word of the YellO

  19. Who wants war against this false yellO one say this is the forums:
    may the L be with YellO

  20. I Have Seen God and Held Him in My Hand!
    All Hail The True Color!
    NO!! its an infection stay away!
    I Feel His Holy Color Spreading Through Me!
    Spread Through Me To The NonBelievers!
    They Must Be Converted

  21. Newer ›

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