Open your eyes it is so easy to see, Open your hear The YellO will fine its way in.
Open your eyes it is so easy to see, Open your hear The YellO will fine its way in.
heart xD
The yelLo one has shown kindness to me, the has shed light on me(literally, I got 64 torches renamed to fit the yellow one) I am a proud follower of the yellO's ways.
The yello has been possessing people D:
I found that all the followers of the yellow ones can't spell right.. Is that a thing for them.. Hmm?
@Laineyyz I found that all the followers of the yellow ones can't spell right.. Is that a thing for them.. Hmm?
lol so true
@Laineyyz LOL! This made me laughed xD
Good im glad :)
I just found a yellow flower in the trading post chest named Headssss and it had sea lanterns, torches, and dark oak wood logs all around it
I found some more flowers
Keep them
can I have all the flowers youre willing to spre for themuseum? a yellO collection would be quite cool
@TheForgotten20 can I have all the flowers youre willing to spre for themuseum? a yellO collection would be quite cool
I can give you any tools you need to enlighten your museum Message Artemis when your on
@TheForgotten20 can I have all the flowers youre willing to spre for themuseum? a yellO collection would be quite cool
I kinda wanna keep them for now because the case hasn't been completely closed yet so I would like to have them as evidence
I have been exposed to the secrets the Yellow...
But sometimes it is best that some things remain lost in mystery...
@_Haxington_ I have been exposed to the secrets the Yellow...
But sometimes it is best that some things remain lost in mystery...
I thought it was history not mystery
It is both